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- African Medicinal Plants E-Library
- Apiculture E-Library
- Aquaculture & Pisciculture E-Library
- Beef Cattle Management E-library
- Biodynamics Agriculture E-Library
- Biotechnology & GMOs E-Library
- Cannabis E-library
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- Dairy Processing & Products E-Library
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- Fruits & Berries E-library
- Goat Rearing & Management E-Library
- Greenhouse Management E-Library
- Herbs & Spices E-library
- Investments and Personal Finance E-Library
- Macadamia Growing and Processing E-Library
- Mushroom Growing E-Library
- Organic Agriculture E-Library
- Permaculture E-Library
- Pig Rearing Management E-library
- Regenerative Agriculture E-Library
- Sheep Production E-Library
- Uncategorized
- Urban Horticulture E-Library
- Urban Landscaping E-Library
- Vegetables E-Library
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The Blue Economy and Aquaculture Business Opportunities $ 1.49Add to Cart
This topic demonstrates the available opportunities in the blue economy, types and products of aquaculture that includes farming opportunities for finfish (such as trout, salmon, tilapia, and various marine species); reptiles (such as turtles, crocodiles and alligators); mollusks (oysters, mussels and clams) and crustaceans (lobsters, shrimp,crabs and crawfish).
The History and Geography of Aquaculture $ 1.49Add to Cart
This topic will focus on the history and origins of aquaculture followed by a geographical mapping to locate and identify different countries that use aquaculture on a regular basis as well as global aquaculture market outlook.